Partners meet for first General Assembly October 2019

The entire SeaBioComp consortium of partners met for their first General Assembly meeting in October 2019 at the facilities of Centexbel in Kortrijk (Belgium) to review the first 6 month's work of the project.
All the work packages presented their upcoming work plan and their preliminary results. Prof. Chung-Hae Park (IMT-Lille Douai) detailed the different fabrication techniques that will be evaluated for the creation of the bio-based composites and highlighted the most important results regarding the literature investigation and selection of both the bio-monomers and natural fibres to be used in the project.
Albert Ten Busschen (Poly Products B.V.) gave an update on the installation of the large additive manufacturing equipment being installed for the project as well as introducing the first demonstrator samples designed together with De Klerck Waterbouw. In addition, Prof. Hom Dhakal (University of Portsmouth) presented the work performed on the analytical protocols, explaining the draft ten-step analytical overview containing the ten most important analytical techniques for the evaluation of the durability and ecotoxicity of the developed bio-based composites in marine environment available in the consortium.
Finally, Simon Powell (Marine South East) presented the different communication tools that have been designed for use in all partner communications including the logo, poster design, banner design, website and interest group.
The general assembly concluded with a meeting of the advisory board, the group of supporting partners representing the entire value chain and triple helix with the aim to introduce the project, and also to engage in an interesting discussion regarding the possible demonstrators to be tackled in this project.
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